YOUTH DEVOTIONS FROM PASTOR ANN: Title Wise Men Epiphany (January 12, 2025) Advent: Christ (December 24, 2024) Advent: Peace (December 22 , 2024) Advent: Joy (December 13 , 2024) Advent: Salvation (December 6, 2024) Advent: Hope (November 30, 2024) Jesus Heals Ten Leapers (November 23, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Samson and Delilah (November 16, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Samson and Delilah (November 9, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Samson (November 2, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Gideon (October 26, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Job (October 19, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Ruth (October 12, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Joshua and the Battle of Jericho (October 5, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Moses Continued (September 28, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Moses (September 21, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Abraham and Isaac (September 14, 2024) Brave, Bold Believers: Abram and Sarai (September 7, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Noah (August 31, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Daniel in the Den of Lions (August 24, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Daniel in Babylon (August 17, 2024) Brave, Bold, Believers: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (August 10, 2024) ANN DRENALINE SPIRITUAL FITNESS CENTER (August 3, 2024) Diving into Friendship with God (July 27, 2024) Diving into Friendship with God (July 13, 2024) Diving Into Friendship with God (July 6, 2024) Diving into Friendship with God (June 29, 2024) ANN-DRENALINE SPIRITUAL FITNESS CENTER (June 22, 2024) ANN-DRENALINE SPIRITUAL FITNESS CENTER (June 15, 2024) ANN-DRENALINE SPIRITUAL FITNESS CENTER (June 8, 2024) Peter and John Get Arrested (June 1, 2024) Peter and John in the Power of the Spirit (May 25, 2024) Welcome Holy Spirit (Pentecost) (May 18, 2024) Jesus Ascends to Heaven (May 11, 2024) The Great Commision (May 4, 2024) The Bible (April 27, 2024) Jesus Forgives Peter (April 20, 2024) An Account of Jesus' Appearance (April 13, 2024) On the Road to Emmaus (April 6, 2024) Searching for Hidden Things (March 30, 2024) Palm Sunday (March 23, 2024) Paul in Troas (March 16, 2024) VBS Kickoff (March 9, 2024) Spiritual Fitness for Life (March 2, 2024) Paul's Third Missionary Journey: Paul Returns to Troas (February 24, 2024) Paul's Third Missionary Journey: The Riot at Ephesus (February 17, 2024) Paul's Third Missionary Journey: Ephesus (February 10, 2024) Paul's Vow: Priscilla & Aquilla with Apollos (February 3, 2024) Paul in Corinth (January 27, 2024) Paul in Athens (January 20, 2024) Paul Journeys: Thessalonica and Berea (January 13, 2024) Christmas Eve Service (December 24, 2023) Fourth Sunday of Advent: Peace (December 16, 2023) Third Sunday of Advent: Joy (December 9, 2023) Second Sunday of Advent: Salvation (December 2, 2023) First Sunday of Advent: Hope (November 25, 2023) Paul & Silas in Prison Part 2 (November 18, 2023) Paul & Silas in Prison (November 11, 2023) Lydia's Conversion in Philippi (November 4, 2023) The Call to Macedonia (October 28, 2023) Timothy Joins Paul and Silas (October 21, 2023) Paul and Barnabus Disagree (October 14, 2023) Antioch and Jerusalem Council (October 7, 2023) Pauls Return to Antioch in Syria (September 30, 2023) Paul in Lystra and Derbe (September 23, 2023) Paul in Iconium (September 16, 2023) Paul in Antioch (September 9, 2023) Paul in Cyprus (September 2, 2023) Paul's First Missionary Journey (August 26, 2023) Paul: A New Creation in Christ (August 19, 2023) Saul's Conversion to Paul (August 12, 2023) Peter and Cornelius (July 29, 2023) Jesus Forgives (July 22, 2023) Peter is Restored (July 8, 2023) Peter Walks on Water (July 1, 2023) John Follows Jesus (June 24, 2023) Spiritual Fathers (June 17, 2023) Ark of the Covenant (June 10, 2023) Ascension of Jesus (June 3, 2023) Peter is Restored (May 27, 2023) Breakfast on the Beach (May 20, 2023) Mother's Day (May 13, 2023) Books of the Bible (May 6, 2023) Books of the Bible (April 29, 2023) Jesus Appears to His Disciples (April 22, 2023) Road to Emmaus (April 15, 2023) Easter Sunday (April 8, 2023) Palm Sunday (April 1, 2023) The Raising of Lazarus (March 25, 2023) Parable of the Wedding Banquet (March 18, 2023) VBS Kickoff Lessons (March 11, 2023) Trusting in God's Power (March 4, 2023) Calling of the Disciples (February 25, 2023) Jesus Shows His Authority (February 18, 2023) The Rejection of Jesus in Nazareth (February 11, 2023) The Temptations of Jesus (February 4, 2023) The Baptism of Jesus (January 28, 2023) Jesus in the Temple (January 21, 2023) Jesus and Family Escape to Egypt (January 14, 2023) The Visit of the Magi (January 7, 2023) Jesus is Born (December 24, 2022) Advent: The Candle of Peace (December 17, 2022) Advent: The Candle of Joy (December 10, 2022) Advent: The Candle of Salvation (December 3, 2022) Advent: The Candle of Hope (November 26, 2022) King Solomon Judges Wisely (November 19, 2022) Solomon is Crowned King (November 12, 2022) David and Bathsheba (November 5, 2022) David's Battle (October 29, 2022) David Shows Kindness to Mephibosheth (October 22, 2022) David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (October 15, 2022) The Last Days of Saul (October 8, 2022) David Spares Saul's Life (October 1, 2022) David and Jonathan (September 24, 2022) David and Goliath (September 17, 2022) Samuel Annoints David to be King (September 10, 2022) Saul and the Amalekites (September 3, 2022) Samuel Annoints Saul (August 27, 2022) God Calls Samuel (August 20, 2022) Birth of Samuel (August 13, 2022) Jesus is Risen (August 6, 2022) Jesus Died for Us (July 30, 2022) Jesus Shows God's Love (July 23, 2022) Jesus Shows God's Love (July 09, 2022) Jesus is King (July 2, 2022) Parable of the Bridesmaid (June 25, 2022) Fathers of the Faith (June 18, 2022) Be Bold (June 11, 2022) Peter is Restored (June 4, 2022) Jesus Appears to the Disciples While Fishing (MAY 28, 2022) Doubting Thomas (MAY 21, 2022) Jesus Appears to the Disciples (MAY 14, 2022) Mother's Day (MAY 7, 2022) The Road to Emmaus (April 30, 2022) Jesus Appears to Mary (April 23, 2022) Tweet