At 9am and 10:45am, kids are going on a Roadtrip! Travelers (ages 3 yrs-5th grade) check-in at the station in the Fellowship Hall with Ms. Kris, our Children's Ministry Director. You will be given a an identification pass so only you can pickup your kid.
PRE-SCHOOLERS: Once checked in, kids meet in the Fellowship Hall for a Message before folks 3-4 years (by September 1st) head to Rm 112 for fun activities and Bible lessons.
SAFETY: All teachers and leaders work in pairs and are carefully trained and background checked with law enforcement to help ensure the safety of your child. If your child needs you, your child's assigned number will appear on the LED signs above the Worship Center EXIT doors.
CRY ROOM/NURSING MOTHER'S ROOM: If you choose to keep your child with you, and he/she prefers to sing when no one else is, take advantage of our Worship Center Cry Room. It's in Room 201, where you can see and hear everything, and we've got toys galore!
INFANT/TODDLER NURSERIES: Our Infant Nursery is located in the Worship Building in room 200. Toddlers go to the Fellowship Hall Room 110. The nurseries are professionally staffed with a clean and safe environment so you can entrust your child to our loving care.