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A Hope and a Future

October 10, 2020 Pastor: Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy Series: Finding the New Normal

Verse: Acts 9:1–9

We have heard of the Biblical Apostles…the Sent Ones, the Delegates, the Ambassadors, and The Messengers.  An Apostle, then or now, functions as a missionary who carries the Gospel across a barrier to a different culture.   

Let’s look at the life of Saul in the Bible.  He was very abruptly transformed from a powerful Pharisee to the most well-known Apostle of Christ.  One could say that the Trajectory of Saul’s life instantly changed.  He was prepared, recruited and launched to interpret the Gospel events to both a Jewish nation and to a Gentile world.  That was his New Normal.

Have we considered that the trajectory of our lives has changed as well?  We seem to be navigating these uncertain times.  How has the New Normal changed our society?  Friends, God always has His eye on us…preparing, recruiting and launching us to share the Gospel with the world.  Are we allowing Him to work through us? 

Join us at Faith to consider your New Trajectory as we complete our New Normal Sermon Series. 

Finding the New Normal: A Hope and a Future

Electronic Message Notes

More in Finding the New Normal

October 4, 2020

Spreading the Good News

September 25, 2020

The Peril of the Poser

September 19, 2020

Scattering the Gathered