If ever we lived in a time where we need the nearness of God, this is it. Of course, this is not the first time in history that people have needed to know God's close care and love. In the early decades of the church, the people of God were scattered. There was persecution. There were difficult economic times. Many wondered if the end might be near. Many of the early believers in Jesus were Jewish by origin. There was a temptation to go back and do things the old way.
A letter circulated that put the pieces together. How does the Old Testament fit with the New Testament? How does Jesus complete the requirements of the Temple? How does Jesus fit into the universe? That letter came to be called "Hebrews."
Hebrews is a call to draw near to the Lord. It is a call to hear and understand the Voice of God in the times we live in. Join us at Faith Fellowship as we hear the call of the Lord to Draw Near to Him.
The people of Faith gather for Worship and Word at 6pm on Saturdays and at 9am & 10:45am on Sundays. We Live Stream on YouTube, FFC App, and FaithFellowshipWeb.com