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Something to Eat

Something to Eat

Words of Faith 6-20-18

Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy © 2018

Faith Fellowship Church - Melbourne, FL

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Luke 8

   [51] When he arrived at the house of Jairus, he did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John and James, and the child's father and mother. [52] Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. "Stop wailing," Jesus said. "She is not dead but asleep."

   [53] They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. [54] But he took her by the hand and said, "My child, get up!" [55] Her spirit returned, and at once she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat. [56] Her parents were astonished, but he ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.


     What a stunning and powerful event! Jesus seemed to have let this one get by Him, but no. The timing of the Lord was perfect. Jesus arrived at a house where there was death and demonstrated that He is Lord over life and death. He is the victor over anything in life and victor over death.

     Rather than a simple healing, like the mother-in-law of Peter, this became one the few bone fide resurrection stories of the Messianic age. If they had newspapers in Capernaum, the headlines would declare-- "Dead Girl Restored to Life; Daughter of Jairus tells story of resurrection."

     The parents were astonished or “beside themselves in amazement". But what next? How do you care for a person who has just been raised from the dead? We find it in the text. Jesus told them to give her something to eat. Interesting. Commentators point out that this may have been to prove that she was restored to normal health. But I think there is more to it.

     Apparently, Jesus knew that a person raised from the dead needed food. If not, then Jesus would not have made a note of it. It is not a physical need that we find in medical text books, but it was one that the Great Physician was aware of. A person raised from the dead needs nourishment quickly.

       I believe that exactly the same is true for those who have been raised from spiritual death. When a person comes to New Life in Christ they are in need of something to eat. The Word has that effect on people by the power of the Holy Spirit. People hear the Word and they come to life. They are born again. Jesus would say to us-- Give them something to eat.

       This is a Word for parents today. This is a Word for friends who share. This is a Word for the church. Hearing the Gospel is only the beginning. Coming to New Life in Christ is just the start. Give them something to eat.

       Sadly, there are many folks today who come to life in Christ but are severely malnourished. They go to church for food but churches are often following the latest trends in culture rather than focusing on God's Word. In many churches there is nothing at all to eat. Teaching of the Word has been replaced by social issues, trendy programs, political agendas and entertaining spectacles.

       Sunday School is said to be out of style these days. Why? It is predicted that churches that can't compete with popular media will close in the next few years. Children are frantically herded into entertainment venues rather than meeting with a teacher who knows their name and opens the Bible. Teens are often most passionate for the Lord but end up attending dazzling concerts and conferences that have little to do with the Bible. There is not much to eat.

       As the church, the most critical issue of our day is probably not how to get the Gospel out. It is how to feed and nourish the people when they come to New Life in Christ. How do we give them something to eat? There is not one answer. But certainly it begins with us personally. For the past twenty years, this devotion has attempted to be a tiny part of the solution. It is forwarded all over the world.

       Every one of us chooses either to study the Word and share with others or to leave the task for someone else to do. Certainly it is easier these days to attend church in anonymity and place children into an entertaining venue, but is this what the Lord calls us to? A faithful response to Jesus is to sign up to be a teacher or take a small group of young people into the Word. It is a faithful response to Jesus to start a small group or Sunday School class for adults who want to grow in faith while studying the Word. It is a faithful response to reach out to a neighbor or friend or co-worker with a simple Bible study over coffee.

       The word for the day? Give them something to eat.


       Father God, forgive me for the business of my life. I rejoice in all that You are doing around me. Show me the way that I can give nourishment to those whom You have brought to New Life in Christ. In Jesus' name.