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Not by Law

Words of Faith Final

Not by Law
Words of Faith 8-9-2021
Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy © 2021
Faith Fellowship Church - Melbourne, FL
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Romans 4
    [13] It was not through law that Abraham and his offspring received the Promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by Faith. [14] For if those who live by law are heirs, Faith has no value and the Promise is worthless, [15] because law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression.

        Next to the ritual of circumcision, the Law of Moses stood as another bastion of Jewish identity.  The Law was the special revelation of God's standards for human conduct. It was the basis for Jewish special standing before God.  
        But now, Paul radically declares that it is not through the Law that Abraham and his offspring received the Promise that he would be heir of the world.  Judaism considered that the Mosaic Law began with God's Promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 even though this preceded Moses by several centuries.  Jews believed that through Abraham they had become "heirs of the world" because of this Promise to Abraham that they would be a blessing to "all peoples on earth" (Gen. 12:3), and to "all nations" (Gen. 18:18), and "all nations on earth" (Gen. 22:18).
       It is clear in Scripture that through Abraham and his descendants, all the world is blessed. But Paul argued that these promises of blessing are actually given to those to whom God has imputed righteousness. This, Paul adds once again, is by Faith.  Paul made it clear that believers of all ages are "Abraham's seed," for they enjoy the same spiritual blessing of justification that he enjoyed (Gal. 3:29).  
       We must be careful not to misunderstand. This does not mean that God has retracted His promises to Abraham about his physical, believing descendants being part of the regeneration of the nation of Israel and inheriting the land (Gen. 15:18-21; 22:17).   These promises still stand and will be a part of events in the End Times.
        But Paul did explain that if Jews could become heirs simply by obeying the Law, then Faith has no value--  "it has been made empty."  If Jews could become heirs by obeying the Law, then the Promise is worthless "has been made invalid."  Why?  Because Law brings wrath, literally, "the Law keeps on producing wrath" as a consequence of disobedience. The truth is no one can keep the Law fully; therefore, God, in wrath against sin, judges those who disobey.
       In other words, where there is no law, there is no transgression.  A person may still be sinning in his action, but if there is no command prohibiting it his action does not have the character of a transgression, an overstepping of a prohibition. The Law cannot produce righteousness; only Faith can receive righteousness imputed by God.

       The same danger exists for Christians today.  We can fall into Ritual or Law.  Christians dwell with the danger of leaning upon ritual as our source of righteousness—baptism, eucharist, confession, ritualized "spirit-filled worship," or any number of religious behaviors.  We can also fall into legalism.  We begin to think that if we obey enough law, or if we can talk and walk enough Word, or if we discipline ourselves harshly for Jesus, we will somehow become righteous.  But the Law always brings wrath.  Our only choice is Faith-- to trust wholly in Him

           Lord, I reject any sense that I have leaned upon my own observance or adherence to the Law for righteousness.  I realize this is an affront to You and to Your marvelous plan.  I trust wholly in You, and Your love expressed in grace toward me.  I receive Your generous gift of life by Faith.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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© Jeffrey D. Hoy 2021
Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy - Faith Fellowship Church (EFCA)        
2820 Business Center Blvd.
Melbourne, Florida 32940 (321)-259-7200
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