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No Idols

No Idols
Words of Faith 12-14-2022
Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy © 2022
Faith Fellowship Church - Melbourne, FL
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Exodus 20
[4] "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. [5] You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, [6] but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

No idols. God was clear. Not only are we not to bow down and worship an idol, but we also are not to make one for ourselves. Sounds easy enough. Now just exactly what is an idol? How is that different from having other gods?
Idols are different because they are images or symbols that represent some "god" that is a perceived power or source of meaning. In the ancient world people worshipped everything from statues of animals to bulbous meteorites because they thought they represented some "god" or "goddess" or some kind of source for meaning and power.
Because objects are physical, they give us a perceived sense of connection and power. To this, the Lord says 'no.' Don't worship pictures or statues or the image of anything that I have created. You don't need that. The Lord has given you a relationship with the Creator; why would you worship any object or any thing of the creation? To worship an image of God is to express hatred toward Him.
The consequence of idolatry is profound. An undefined "punishment" goes to the third and fourth generations because idolatry expresses hatred toward God. Hatred? Yes. The truth is that idolatry expresses hatred toward God that is so damaging to the spiritual well-being of the human family that it can take generations for the pain and wreckage to be healed.
Those who bow down to worldly symbols of power and meaning inflict damage that carries from generation to generation. But the opposite is also true. His love is shown to a thousand generations of those who love Him and "fly by the plan" He has set forth. The blessing of loving God with a whole heart is immeasurable and carries on through the generations!
So what are the idols of our day? I don't have any little statues in my house. So I am in the clear, right? Actually, an idol is not a "god" but could be any object, symbol, or image we bow down to. A good example is money. Money is not good or evil. If we view money as a trust God has given us, it becomes a tool for accomplishing His will and desires. But money can quickly become an idol representing power and independence, which we can use to be our own god. The money idol is a cult of self-worship.
Of course, there are many other idols. The "god" we connect to maybe "personal power" that we see in a particular promotion or position. An idol could be a material thing, or an idea like a rank or honor. One might bow down in seeking a title, achievement, or post. Bowing down to these idols does not honor the One true God.
An idol could also be a particular material possession that you have come to believe will "change your life" or make you into a "new person." "Thinness" or "youthful looks" can be an idol we bow down to. The "perfect relationship" or "perfect kids" can entice us. It could be the car or house one puts above everything else or an achievement sought at "any cost." Such idols are often not the actual "god" we seek, but they are the symbols and conduits of power that we try to connect with. Achievements and material goods are wonderful when we realize they are gifts and tools from God, and we seek to honor God through them. But we must be cautious.
The cost of idolatry is high. We live in a culture and an economy driven by idolatry. While some advertising is informational, much of it entices us with a false promise of a life changed by a symbol or product. The problem is that when we worship idols in our culture, our children notice, and they see that we "hate God"-- that we do not look to God as our source of strength, meaning, and provision. We may even mouth the words of honoring God Almighty, but our energy and focus have been diverted to status, objects, power or independence. The next generation sees this. Rather than seeing parents surrendered to God, children see parents frantically seeking and wielding power. Children catch these values and learn to focus on material possessions or worldly symbols of power rather than on the Lord. By the third or fourth generation, an empty and painful legacy has replaced any sense of honoring God.
Some idols could be symbols of God that we believe "represent" God Himself. Why does God oppose this? God is beyond our imagination and ability to express in objects. Our hands and hearts cannot create any image that captures God Almighty's majesty and awesome wonder. There is no image of God that we can put before ourselves that does not fall miserably short of who He is and actually offend Him. They are all shabby compared to His magnificence. To worship an "image" or symbol of God is to hate Him. We must not worship or bow down to statues, pictures, crosses, or architecture. These can be tools but they must not become idols.
Some rather "wholesome" idols are also running around in our Christian culture. Any system, program, or activity that we elevate to the place that is "essential" or the "end all" to knowing and serving God is an idol. We are a faddish people. Rather than getting to know God, we often look to the latest book, program, or movie to be our connection. Media is a powerful tool, but we must not forget that it is the Lord God that we are to love with all our heart, mind, and strength.
Even Christian institutions and ministries can become idols, even "the church." When we bow down to "protect" the institutional church "at any cost," we commit grievous idolatry. Any time a symbol stands in the way or takes the place of Almighty God, we have fallen into idolatry. Even "family" can become an idol that we bow down to, worship, and sacrifice to such that it replaces the one true and living God. True love of God and neighbor will sacrifice for family, but not indulge or worship the family.
So. Have we stepped on enough toes? That is the difficulty with this topic. It is everywhere.

Father, help me to see the idols in my own life. Help me to discover the things I have put before You. Give me a spirit of repentance that I may love You with all my heart, soul, and mind and love my neighbor as myself. In Jesus' name.

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© Jeffrey D. Hoy 2022
Dr. Jeffrey D. Hoy - Faith Fellowship Church (EFCA)
2820 Business Center Blvd.
Melbourne, Florida 32940 (321)-259-7200
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